Friday, September 11, 2015

DIY Idea Board

Our Logan Shoppe DIY Center just got a facelift!

Warning: This post is full of wood cuts, washi tape, scrapbook paper and glitter. 
If you can not handle the cuteness we advise you to not continue. Thank you :)
If this board doesn't get your creative juices flowing then we don't know what will! Plus the best thing about all of these projects is how simple and easy they really are! It is hard to believe that projects this cute can also be so easy but we promise you can tackle any of these DIY crafts. We will break it down for you one project at a time. So sit back, relax and scroll on!

We made an over the top chalkboard that we can swap out and change when ever inspiration hits!
Use melamine wood and seam together then paint with chalk paint to achieve this size of chalkboard

Arrows are a fun piece of flair to add to any room. They can be a functional accessory to point out specific things or they can simply be a decorative item to add some details to your space. For this craft we wanted to add a little ADORNit style to some simple arrows. This project only has four steps. First, select your arrow and an assortment of your favorite scrapbook paper. Second, trace your arrow on your paper. Third, glue or tape you paper onto your arrow. Fourth, enjoy! It's as simple as that! Now you have some adorable arrows that are infused with your own unique style.

This next project starts exactly like the arrow project. Complete steps one – four with an ampersand instead of an arrow. Then to add some more depth and texture to your ampersand glue on some stickers, beads or broken jewelry. We used a couple pieces of an old bracelet! It is such a great way to breath life back into your old jewelry!

Oh deer! These deer heads are adorable! Animal decor is so popular but it can be hard to find a style that matches your already established home decor. We suggest washi tape or scrapbook paper! Not a lot of people know that washi craft tape is also available in large rolls that make it much easier to cover large surfaces and can we just say that we are loving the wood grain texture! On the larger deer head we picked a fun floral paper and then cut out individual flowers and attached them with "pop up" dots to give them a three dimensional affect. Talk about some fun transformations!

As the chalkboard states adding paper rosettes to your wood products add some depth and texture. This is a great time to experiment with different paper patterns and textures to create something that is totally unique to you, your home or your event.

This picture includes two crafts! First, an inventive way to display one of your favorite photos! Take two wood shapes of various sizes and cover them in some washi tape. Then glue the two items together is a way that suits your fancy and glue your picture onto the top layer! Frames are great but this is a more unique and personalized way to display some of your most cherished memories. 

Now time to Enjoy the next project! First we spray painted the wood cut with gold spray paint. Feel free to choose whatever color fits you or your situation best. Once the spray paint is dry, cover the areas you want sparkled in some Mod Podge and sprinkle your sparkles over the sticky sections. Make sure to cover your work surface with some magazines or newspaper to try and avoid an outbreak of sparkles. Once the Mod Podge has dried hold your word over your paper and tap the edges to try and get rid of extra sparkles. Now ENJOY your newly glittered project! 

These are probably two of the easiest projects on the DIY Board. For the first project simply take your initial and cover it in your favorite washi tape. We told you it was easy! The welcome sign comes in a kit that includes easy instructions and everything that you need! No need to stress over either of these crafts! 

We carry a variety of vinyl cut outs that could be used for many different projects. In this particular project we simply framed a vinyl cutout with a scrapbook paper background. This could be used as a filler until you find that perfect selfie to frame or while you're waiting to get the final edits from your family photo shoot. But our personal opinion is that it is fabulous enough to stand on its own!

Chalkboard banners are a fun and personalized way to display a name or a date. We decided to hang our banner with some twine to give it a more rustic and vintage feel but you can choose whatever ribbon fits your home or venue best. We carry chalkboard banners in a variety of styles. We also now carry chalkboard kits that include everything you could ever need to fulfill your chalk needs!

Our Mr. & Mrs. banner follows the same instructions as the Enjoy wood cut but instead of just sections we covered the entire surface in glitter. Here at ADORNit we stand by the fact that you can never add too much glitter!

Last but certainly not least are these fabulous paper fans that we sell in a convenient kit! We promise that opening the package is probably the hardest part of this project. These fans come pre-folded and with already applied adhesive. Simply take the fan out of the package stretch the fan out to its full capacity, peal off the cover to the double stick tape and push the two sides together. And you're done! These fans even come with pre-attached little white strings so they are ready to hang immediately.

We hope that this post inspired you to start some new projects! 
And don't forget that all of these supplies are available at ADORNit!

// SHOP DIY Projects //


  1. Holy smokin' chalkboard bonanza! Wowza, that thing is ginormous! Nice work and lovely inspiration. ;) And, love the new site!

    1. OH MY THank you DOLL!! This chalkboard is huge like 8ft by 8ft of crafty goodness LOL thanks so much for swinging by and we can't wait to keep posting things here on the blog and for commenting sweetie
